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Friday, April 20, 2012

Advantages of a Mobile Air Conditioner

Today most buildings have air conditioning, often centralized systems that are meant to service the building as a whole. Yet even the most sophisticated systems often do not meet all needs under every circumstance. Fortunately, mobile air conditioners are available to address these special needs. Mobile air conditioners are technologically similar to other air conditioners but are constructed on wheels that make them easy to move from place to place as needed. These portable air conditioners can be used in offices, factories and businesses of all types. They are especially useful for those rooms that contain computerized equipment where temperature and humidity issues may arise. Here are five of the major advantages of the mobile air conditioner:

Affordable Prices.

1. The design changes necessary to make an air conditioner portable are not great, therefore the price differences between mobile and standard window air conditioners is usually minimal, or in some cases even cheaper.

2. Easy to Use.

Unlike many conventional air conditioners, mobile air conditioners require no special knowledge to install or use. Generally all you have to do is roll it to the location needed, identify a nearby window for the exhaust hose, and then just plug it in!

3. High Versatility.

Besides being able to move to wherever they are needed, mobile air conditioners are lightweight and not too big, so they are easy to carry and adapt to any setting.

4. Save Energy.

Portable air conditioners are more energy efficient than central air conditioners because they are smaller and require less electricity. They are also used only when necessary, thereby further increasing their efficiency level and lowering energy costs.

5. Lots of extras.

Many mobile air conditioners come with extra features, such as advanced temperature controls and dehumidifiers. Some even come with filters that also clean the air as they cool.

Just because you already have an air conditioning system in your factory or business doesn't mean all of your air conditioning needs are being adequately met. That is why mobile air conditioners are a necessary and valuable addition to any air conditioning system. 


Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Cleanroom Vacuum Cleaner for Work Environments

Those businesses involved in manufacturing and research know it is possible for dust, dirt, and debris to collect in the workplace. A standard vacuum cleaner will not be up to the task of dealing with such a problem, but a cleanroom vacuum cleaner is more than capable of handling the task. Whether you work in a lab, a research facility, or a hospital, this vacuum cleaner has the ability to eliminate the presence of particles and debris with almost no effort.

The double filtration system design of the vacuum cleaner contributes significantly to its ability to perform a thorough commercial quality cleaning. This design is specifically engineered to handle large volumes of dust and powder which would be found in a commercial environment as opposed to the home.

Double filtration specifically refers to the two separate filters found in the vacuum. The first filter is a DP (Dust and Powder) filter that captures normal size particles. The second filter is a ULPA filter, which captures microscopic particles ensuring the most thorough cleaning job possible. No dust, powder, dirt, or debris will escape this vacuum, and in certain work environments, this could prove enormously helpful towards eliminating impurities in the work environment.

The exhaust of the air speed has been lowered, which is another positive to the vacuum's performance. The slower air speed does kick up dust or powder which further contributes to making the workplace a pristine clean as possible.

While a standard vacuum is fine for the home or certain workplaces, those environments with a tremendous amount of dust, powder, and debris need an industrial strength vacuum. The cleanroom vacuum cleaner is the perfect choice for those who need a vacuum that fits this description.
